Google Sketchup

Teaching Resources

October 1, 2020

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Ever thought about bringing 3D shapes to your virtual inquiry classroom? If so, Google Sketchup is a free, 3D modelling platform that is simple and easy to use. 

Using Google Sketchup could encourage students to interact with geometric shapes in a distance learning setting. Users can create shapes with specific dimensions to explore volume, surface area, and vertices. Looking for a more long-term lesson? Google Sketchup can access your students' inner architects by allowing them to design, collaborate, and view whole cities from multiple viewpoints at any time. 

Google Sketchup can also be brought to the science classroom. A lesson on bacteria could become a study of a city's water system, prompting students to analyze how infrastructure prevents contaminents from entering drinking water supplies and causing water-borne diseases. Or, population biology could be explored in the context of human development, using Goolge Sketchup to illustrate habitat fragmentation. 

Access Google Sketchup for free at