Frequently Asked Questions

With a program like GWTeach, interested participants may have some additional questions. Below are some of the questions that we receive frequently.

Do I have to be a STEM major to be a part of GWTeach?

No, you do not have to be in STEM to take our courses, however if you would like to pursue certification you must take certain STEM courses.

When should I start the GWTeach program by?

We recommend starting the GWTeach program as soon as possible, but it is possible to complete the GWTeach program as late as signing up for courses during your junior year. See the course listing for more details on what courses must be taken, and when courses are offered.

Do GWTeach courses satisfy any GenEd requirements?

Yes! GWTeach courses fulfill many of the GenEd requirements. While completing the GWTeach program, you can complete the majority of the GenEd requirements at the same time. Our courses satisfy each of the Tier I GenEd requirement categories, including Critical Thinking, Quantitative Reasoning, Scientific Reasoning, Written Communication, and Oral Communication; as well as school-specific requirements, such as Cross-Cultural Perspectives and Local and Civic Engagement. See the Curriculum page for more information on which courses fulfill these requirements and schedule a meeting with a GWTeach advisor.

Can I earn service learning hours from field experiences?

Yes! GWTeach works in collaboration with the Nashman Center, so every hour you spend teaching in the field (and preparing to teach) counts towards service hours.

How many hours is the field requirement?

The field hours will vary from course to course. The breakdown for courses is: GTCH 2003 will require about 6 field hours, Classroom Interactions will require about 7 field hours, Project-Based Instruction will require about 10 field hours, and Apprentice Teaching will require about 375 field hours.

Do I need to have teaching experience to be a part of GWTeach?

No, you do not need to have any teaching experience. You will learn everything that you need to know to be prepared in a classroom through the GWTeach courses.

Are there any requirements for me to teach in DC schools?

Fieldwork typically requires a background check, fingerprinting, and TB screening. After you sign up for a GWTeach course with a field experience you will receive an email from a course instructor on the background check process so that you can get started on it early.

What exactly will I be teaching with GWTeach? Will this be like tutoring?

With GWTeach you will act as the teacher of a classroom of students as you plan and carry out your own lesson plans. The subject matter you will be teaching will be a topic in STEM based on a series of factors such as your personal expertise, your availability, and the availability of our mentor teachers.

Are there any financial aid opportunities through the GWTeach Program?

Yes! There are several scholarships that GWTeach students can apply for including the Noyce Scholarship, Apprentice Teacher Scholarships, and Financial Need Scholarships. Visit our Current Students tab for more details.

I’m interested in GWTeach, how do I know what classes I’ll need to take?

The first class that you should plan to take is GTCH 2003 (Step 1 and 2 Hybrid: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching and Lesson Design). If you love the course and possibly want to complete the minor in STEM Teaching, we recommend that you talk to a GWTeach advisor or your general academic advisor to find out how to fit all the GWTeach classes into your schedule during your undergraduate career.

If I want to be a teacher but don’t want to stick around and teach in the District of Columbia, can I go elsewhere?

Absolutely! 48 states in the country have reciprocity agreements with the District of Columbia (excluding New Mexico and South Dakota). That means you could potentially work as a teacher nearly anywhere in the country after you are certified to teach in DC.

In order to be eligible for teacher licensure, are there any additional requirements beyond the minor in STEM Teaching?

In order to be eligible for teacher licensure you need to:

  • Complete the minor in STEM Teaching (25-28 credits) with a minimum of a B (3.0) in each course.
  • Complete required STEM content courses for the desired licensure area (biology, chemistry, physics, general science, or math) with an average GPA of 3.0+ for those courses.
  • Earn passing scores on three Praxis licensure exams.

To learn more about these requirements, schedule a meeting with a GWTeach Advisor who can map out the STEM content courses you'll need to take as part of your major/minor. 

Wow! This all sounds amazing, where do I sign up?

We’re so glad you’re interested in becoming part of our GWTeach family! We have more information on this under Prospective Students and How to Get Started.

We hope to see you soon!


If you still have questions, email us at [email protected].